Monday, April 23, 2012

Tanners Blessing

We talked to our pediatrician about when it would be okay to take Tanner to church. He said that because we had him in December that we should wait until at least March because it was RSV season. We decided we would bless him on March 4th. We did the blessing in church. (some people like to do it in their home) Ben did such a great job. The words that were said were so comforting and we are so happy to have Tanner in our lives. There were so many family members who came to support us! We are so blessed to have such great family near by. Here are some of the photos. 

I made these Tie cookies for the blessing they were cute but such a pain without a cookie cutter! Don't look too close!

SO much food!

My handsome boys!
I didnt think I would have him wear the hat but man I think he is stinking cute!

So cute!

He was a little sick of being passed around

Uncle Joshua and cousin Kate

Great grandma Mona and Papa

Klissa, Kiley, Shelby and Kate

Cousin Porter, Dax and Uncle Adam

Grandma Olson and the Blessing Boy

Uncle Bubba and the Blessing boy!

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful day to be with family. Ben gave Tanner a beautiful blessing.
